Save ribbon to Access database

Click „Select Access Database" to export the created ribbon as a XML file to a Access Database. The Standard Windows Dialog "Save as" will be opened und you can choose either to select .accdb or .mdb.

Once you have selected a database Access will be opened visible, and the table "UsysRibbons" will be created, and the Ribbon XML will be written to this table.

The ribbon will be set to be the application ribbon.

In case the database does not already contain the module "basGDIPlus" it will be created. You will find some useful functions for the implementation of your own images to a ribbon within this module.

Click "OK" to save the module.

In case the database does not already contain the module "basCallbacks" it will be created. This module contains all required callbacks for the generated ribbon.

Click "OK" to save the module.

The module "basRibbonGlobals" is re-created on every export and will always be re-written within the Access database. It contains the variables (and functions) that Access needs to load the ribbons

Click "OK" to save the module.

After that Access will be closed automatically.