
On the tab "Editbox" you can create, edit and delete single editbox controls.

  • To create a new editbox click on the button labelled "Add Editbox"

    1. On the list field labelled ”Groups in Current Tab” on the current tab select the group on which you want to create, edit or delete a control.

    2. On the list field labelled „Controls in Current Group" select the editbox you want to delete or to edit.

    • To delete the selected editbox click "Delete Editbox"

    • To set a default value to the editbox enter a value to the text field labelled “Default Value” and click “Set”

    • Select / Delete an editbox image:

    • To rename an editbox label edit the text shown below the label "Label:" und click "Rename" or just exit the input field.

    • Screentip of a Button: Edit a text und click "Set"